So, on Monday, Laila and I ventured out to a new park. Remember what a park is, Dallasites? Remember what sunshine looks like? What warm golden rays shining down on you feels like? Ahh, that was the life! Someday, I do believe the sun will shine again! In the meantime, though, let's remember the good old days with fondness and storytelling. I've got one for you:
Monday, we decided to visit a new park rather than Teitze Park where we usually go. The last time we had been to Tietze, there was a tiny incident with an, oh let's say, seven year old boy riding recklessly down the sidewalks. I mean, I truly think he was trying to see how close he could ride his bike to the babies sitting on the edge of the playground. I seriously yelled, "Watch it, mister! She's going to need those fingers!"
So, with the well being of Laila's fingers in mind, I thought a less frequented park might be a good change of pace. We walked from Starbucks on Knox, down the Katy Trail, to a little tucked away park off Hillcrest. It was lovely. Quiet, shady (in a good way) and the only children playing there were toddlers. Laila and I instantly headed for the baby swings, her favorite part about a trip to the park.
We were swinging, talking, singing, dancing and generally having a grand old time when a mom walked up with her little girl. She put her baby in the swing next to Laila's and we exchanged a hello and a smile. We chatted a bit about the nice weather and the babies and, just as she was lifting her little girl out of the swing, she said, "Well, it was nice to meet you. Do you think you might have room in your schedule to babysit for ME sometime?" I was taken aback...
"Huh?" I said, eloquently.
"I mean, you're just so adorable with her... and good babysitters are so hard to find!" I was shocked. I was flabbergasted. Y'all, I was flattered! "Oh, well. Actually, um... I don't really babysit anymore. This is my daughter!"
Well, she was definitely embarrassed, friends, and I wasn't quite sure how to make that better for her. You know when you really want to help someone get out of the awkward situation they've gotten themselves into but you're not really sure how? She gave a little chuckle as she walked away and I assured her that I wasn't offended at all... :)
I have a few theories as to why she might have thought I was the babysitter. I'll save the best for last.
First, I was wearing an SMU sweatshirt. This makes perfect sense. Maybe she thought I was an SMU student, wonderful! I'm happy to be mistaken for a 20 year old!
Second, perhaps it was my yoga pants... Now, I know what you're thinking. LOTS of Highland Park moms go around in yoga pants. Whether they've been to yoga or not or are headed to yoga or not, is not really the point! The ladies just like to wear yoga pants; to Whole Foods, North Park mall, the salon, yoga pants are everywhere. Do they wear yoga pants that are faded, have holes in them and were purchased at the Gap outlet 6 years ago? I don't think so. Maybe it was my tattered yoga pants that led her astray. No HP mom would be caught dead in these babies!
Third, perhaps my anti-wrinkle treatments are working! That Wal-Mart brand Oil of Olay knockoff was a $3.98 well spent! I'm just so fresh faced and wrinkle free, of course I couldn't be a new mom. Hmm. Doubtful.
Here's the main reason why I think she thought I was the babysitter: Instead of "Mama", Laila Grace Chapman refers to me as "Doo doo".
We'll have to work on that one.